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A Year in Review

The last thing many of us want to do right now is remember the last twelve months. 2020 has been a year of numerous losses and disappointments and the desire to start fresh in the New Year is higher than most years. The Israelites can relate.

After the Israelites left Egypt, suffered horrible losses and crossed the Jordan River for the Promised Land, God commanded the Israelites to remember what happened in the season of loss.

God does not want us to remember the pain and suffering, or dwell on all that was lost. Rather He calls us to remember His faithfulness in the midst of the suffering. Each of us at EMBRACE, like many of you, have endured hardship in the last twelve months. We’ve buried loved ones, had scares at the hospital, lost homes, jobs, had plans change, and disappointments around every corner. Yet we look to remember God’s faithfulness, specifically within the ministry He called us to.

Here’s what we’ve witnessed:

Despite COVID-19 and all that has transpired in 2020, EMBRACE was able to serve the Union Gospel Mission Center for Women and Children (UGM CWC), Daybreak Youth Services of Spokane, and the Children’s Village in Coeur d’Alene.

Typically EMBRACE does ministry 60 days out of the year from February 1st until Thanksgiving. In those 60 days we serve an average of 100 women, adolescents and children. In 2020 we were only able to operate for 35 of those days, and still the Lord made a way for us to serve 90 women, adolescents and children.

In 2020, despite the struggling economy, the Lord blessed EMBRACE with more than $8,500 in direct donations (almost exactly what we received in 2019), and more than $6,500 in fundraisers, a 50% increase from 2019.

Additionally, the Lord revealed a way to save 80% on one of our largest annual costs, and He provided seven new remarkable volunteers to our team. Yes, 2020 has been a challenge on many fronts. We must not forget, however, the greatness and goodness of the God we serve in the midst of the suffering and hardship. God is working out all things for the good of those who love Him and He has not forgotten us nor forsaken us.

Thank you for your incredible partnership in this difficult season. We look forward to a new year with you in 2021 as we continue to partner to advance the gospel.



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