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Our Sessions

Each of our sessions aims to use the horse as a means for teaching Bible-based principles for life. While we love our horses and believe that God uses them in amazing ways, we emphasize that our sessions are not about the horse at all. We simply use the horse to show the love of Jesus Christ and our need for Him in our lives. While we are not a horse therapy program, we do provide therapeutic approaches to our sessions. 


Here you'll find a few session examples but it's important to note that these are simply springboards for the Holy Spirit to lead each session leader into a discussion with the participant in the one-on-one sessions. Every session, just like every participant, is unique and we use these outlines as a place to start. We do our best to let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

Horse therapy choices


Half a dozen different games ranging in degrees of difficulty are set up in the arena. Each participant gets to decide what he or she wants to do first. The session leader assists the participant as needed in each game and associates how the participant makes choices in the arena compared to their life. 


Additionally, correlation is made between the assistance needed by the session leader with the horse and games, and the need for support in real life. 

Horse therapy creation evolution
Creation & Evolution


Three courses are made, two of which have maps that guide participants from start to finish using a variety of gaits and obstacles. The third course is a pile with no order or map. After session leaders assist participants through the two mapped out courses, they go to the third course. The point is made that no amount of time or loud noises will make that pile turn into an intelligently designed course like the others. 


The intelligently designed courses represent Creation, the map represents the Bible giving us a guide life, session leaders are the support needed along the way, and the pile is the theory of Evolution.

Horse therapy balace


Using only a bareback pad, each participant is led around the arena by a session leader using a halter and lead rope. Participants are taught to use their core and seat as their source of balance on the horse with the session leader correcting as needed. 


A correlation is then made between what we use to keep our balance in life. While some things seem to make sense, like our experience and intelligence, the only thing that truly works to help us keep our balance is Jesus Christ.

A ride in the sunshine...
Beans with Beamer!
Hello 2019!
Making Time
Walk, Trot... woah!
A lot of love for this mustang
Peace, be still.
Laughter is good for the soul
First Ride
One on One
Taming the Tongue
Photo Album
Athol, Idaho
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